The South Eastern Journal of Research and Sustainable Development (SEJRSD) is published twice a year online and hard copy. But recently, the journal policy was amended on 10th September, 2021 to be published monthly. Thus, the journal begins its monthly publication with volume 5 (1); 2021. It is designed to disseminate knowledge to teachers, teacher-trainees,
researchers, curriculum specialists and other interested stakeholders. SEJRSD has continued to serve as an effective instrument for development and innovation in education and equips
researchers whose purpose is in development and innovation in educational sector. However, still on quality of articles published on this journal, the editorial board of this journal modified its policy to be quarterly publication as thus; JanuaryMarch, AprilJune, JulySeptember, OctoberDecember. This kicked off with January – March 2024 publication seen
in volume 14 (2).
The Editor-in-Chief of this Journal is sincerely thankful to the editorial team especially to the numerous subscribers to this volume of the Journal and to all those who has contributed in one way or the other towards making this volume a reality.